The 82-foot tower provides a great view. |
When you get to the top of the John Jacob Observation Tower, what do you want to do?
If you are a sixth-grade boy, you probably want to spit at the ground.
I was one of the herders for kids on a hike through Houston's Sheldon Lake State Park. Most of them couldn't wait to climb the stairs to the top of the observation tower.
The group also enjoyed getting muddy while helping plant in the wetlands.
On the walk we also spotted a broad-banded water snake in a display pond loaded with frogs. Yes, one boy wanted to spit on it to see if it would move. To be fair there were others who wanted to poke at the snake with a stick, drop a pebble on it or touch it.
One kid, who was kind of joking, said, "Miss, I saw on TV that you grab them behind the head."
I guarded the snake to keep it undisturbed until the field trippers left.
"No, don't spit on the snake." |