White pelican and a shopping cart |
While walking Baytown's nicely paved Goose Creek Trail near
Goose Creek Park behind the library, I wasn't expecting to see shopping carts in the water.
Along the water's edge at the trail's end near Busch Terrace Park, there is a lot of litter. In addition to the usual water bottles, fast-food containers and tires, there are eight to 10 shopping carts.
But the pelicans didn't seem to mind. They were using them as perches.
Shopping carts in Goose Creek. The building in the background in an old hospital. A developer said he is going to convert the building into an assisted living complex with a public restaurant on the top floor. But no work has been done on the property for years. |
An unlittered view: The Goose Creek Trail gives you a different look at Baytown. |
I've walked every inch of this trail numerous times.