Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I am glad this coyote was not so wily

 I heard the animal coming through the brush and look around to see a coyote face looking up at me. I froze, and it took off.

"Did you get a picture?" the housemate asked.

No, it happened too fast.
Downed trees block my old path to the gully.

There is a sliver of wildness behind our house. At one time I had a path to the gully so I could tease the fish and crabs, scout for turtles and watch for snakes. I could even put in the kayak when the tide was high.

Now it is overgrown. A paradise for the wildlife, I guess.

I tramped back there shortly after dawn because I would like to reclaim a piece for me. It is a mess and kind of scary. It feels as if I could get lost although I know if I walk 100 feet, I will be out of the trees.

We often hear coyotes at night. The yips and howls sound like a big pack, but there is not much space back there.

I didn't expect to see a coyote after daylight. I went out early to beat the heat. Near the water's edge, something ducking into a hole caught my attention. Then I heard the brush rattling from the other side of the tiny hill I claimed for a view.

This coyote was not very wily. It came within 10 feet of me.

We locked eyes for a second.

Then the coyote was gone. -- Lana b

1 comment:

  1. A bit of wildscape for you and the coyote to cohabit-it's a "good thing".
